Got questions?
How do I log into my owner portal?
Go to and login or Create an Account. If you forgot your password, please contact our office and we can reset your password.
Where can I find my owner statement on my portal?
Once you’re logged into your owner portal, in the left-hand menu is the Documents section. Click there and the Statements will be listed on the right (most recent statement at the top).
YEAR-END statement – These will always post near the January statements for the year and will be labeled “Owner_Statement_(01/01/20XX_-_12/31/20XX).pdf”
How do I read my owner statement?
We have prepared two videos on how to read over owner statements –
Detail by Building:
How can I submit an owner contribution?
The following video explains how to submit money to your portfolio:
Proven & Trusted
Yes, we have credentials